Thursday, February 25, 2010

Swimming on the Balcony

Here are some pics of Joel swimming on the Balcony! We are loving his new little baby pool! He plays with his toys, and even counts, 1,2,3, woo-hoo for his little squirter animals to jump in. His version is ___, two, tree, wooo... it is adorable! The swimming pool fits perfectly on our balcony, which has recently become one of my favorite places in our apt. Besides hanging out at the baby pool, we now have a daily routine which has really helped us enjoy our days more. If you are a stay at home mom or a parent, then you can probably identify with little pockets of time where you just aren't sure what to do. The toys have been played with, you have gone swimming or to the playground already, you have already read numerous books, and repeated every nursery rhyme that you know, now what? Let me just say, that I have thought about writing out a schedule for us before, but I really resisted it, thinking that it would be a pain and annoying to follow. We do not follow it exactly all the time and it is definitely NOT annoying to think, hmmm, you seem to be tired of playing with your toys, lets go see what is on the schedule for right now, "ohhh, let's play play-dough", or "let's go downstairs and water the plants, or run around and get some energy out" it is amazing and takes the stress off when you can't think of what to do. I left built in times where we could either do one activity or we could run errands when I need to get something done. All that to say, the schedule is going great and I highly recommend it. Back to the balcony, one of my favorite times of the day now on our schedule is our hammock time. After dinner we set up the hammock and enjoy the marvelous view and play as a family. It is so wonderful to just sit and enjoy the view ( I will try and post a picture soon) and play with Joel and relax, okay, maybe we can't relax too much or Joel will throw an elbow or knee us as he gets into or out of the hammock, but still it is wonderful!


MikeandCharlsie said...

Wow what a great idea. That is a great spot for a little swimming pool!
We too have finally found a great morning routine that works really well for us, it is so nice isn't it :) Now if only I could figure out a good dinner time one!
I love how you share little glimpses of your life down there, keep it up :)

Sabrina Bettini said...

Lovely pictures!
Rebecca também tem uma piscina dessas! E ela adora tomar banho na varanda! Mas a gente só faz isso quando está muito quente, porque aqui na nossa varanda venta muito! :D

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Unknown said...

How did I miss this? Didn't realize you got a pool for the balcony. So fun! Joel is super cute in the pics!