Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wedding Shower?

Our church family held a "shower of presents" for us Monday night and we received all kinds of new household items to go into the new apartment that we are still looking for. We have been so blessed to be a part of this body of believers.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys! We sure do miss having you around? You wouldn't happen to be in the "neighborhood" tomorrow, Sept 8th would you? We're having Adam's 16th bday party and would LOVE to have you here! It's his last bday in Brazil....sniff, sniff. Drop us an email ok? Take care and write when you can.

Mary said...

Hey, glad things are going so well for you! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
it's always too fun to hear what's going on in your world!! Wow! However we do so miss your faces around here...maybe Christmas Greg and I can take you out for a great dinner? Love you two! Kim Richards