Sunday, September 30, 2007

Futebol Anyone?

Finally. After nearly 2 months of shopping for the best deals, purchasing equipment, and arranging transportation, we have officially started the Physical Education program at Projeto Crescer. Last week was our first week to start transporting the kids to a local sports club. We have been playing a lot of futebol (soccer)...hard to beleive I know. I had planned on teaching the kids all kinds of games and other sports, but I learned very quickly that if it's not soccer, they're not interested. So, I'm having to readjust some things, but that's OK. We're all learning from one another and I think the kids are having a great time. It's a great opportunity to get the kids out of the favela for a little while and give them a chance to play in a safe place away from the drugs and violence. Even if I never get a chance to teach them how to set a volleyball, it's already been worth it.

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