Saturday, July 5, 2008


Well, since we are updating our blog, I thought I would add my two cents. The past months seem to have flown by in one sense and dragged by super slowly in another. Sometimes I find myself thinking, am I still only 7 months pregnant, am I not at 8 yet????? I think that I have thought that every month, except the first one, since I didn´t even know that I was pregnant. :) Good things come to those who wait, so I know that this little blessing to come, here in about 2 months, will be amazing. It seems that we have been waiting on lots of things lately. Getting internet in our house, getting the leaky window in the babies room fixed. Waiting in Brazil, means at least 4 months. :) In these cases, we have been "waiting" for over 6 months I believe. David writes in the Psalms about waiting... I wonder if he ever found the secret for waiting. Some of the verses talk about waiting patiently, others about wait, accompanied by hope in the Lord. Other times, you can almost hear the distress in the Psalms... How long will I have to wait? Praise God that David was honest with the Lord. When I think about what I want, I get impatient and don´t like to wait. When I think about the greatness of my God, I dont mind the waiting so much. Even as I write this, I am frustrated in the waiting, but my God is still the same God, just as marvelous and just as capable of holding me in His mighty arms and comforting me, even if it is over something that I know is small and realitively unimportant in the big scheme of things. Yet He still cares. I am thankful that I serve that kind of a God. When I remember to put my wants aside, even then He fills me with hope not in my daily situations, but in Him who is over and above all.
Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
(NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

1 comment:

MikeandCharlsie said...

I certainly remember those last few months/weeks/days of waiting! They are filled with anticipation as well as not knowing exactly when the sweet babe will arrive. I love love love seeing the pictures esp. the one of Prego Jane!!! Cute belly. We love you guys.